Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tagged again!

I got tagged by my cousin Emily forever ago, so I better post something. I'm supposed to write six random facts about my self.

Random fact #1- I went to George Cloony's birthday party. George Cloony has a house in Green Valley, close to where I live. My good friend Heather and I went out dancing at a club in the Green Valley Ranch Casino. We were just sitting on a bench talking and a girl came up and asked us if we wanted to go into the VIP room. We said "sure!" We walk in and there was Jeremy Piven, Jeffery Tamboor, Seth Green, some other random celebrities and in the middle of it all was George Cloony making out with some random hot girl. He proceeded to make out with like 5 others while we were there. Pretty random! While living Vegas I have also danced next to Kevin Federline, Jessica Simpson, Kenny G. (seriously), the whole Sixers and Lakers basketball teams, and Paris Hilton, eaten dinner next to Andre Agassi and George Maloof, and shopped next to Beyonce and JayZ.

Random Fact #2- I have always wanted to own a bakery. I love, love, love to bake. But I hate getting up early, and you usually have to if you own a bakery. But my sister gave me the best idea to have a bakery that is geared toward late night studying college kids, open from 3pm-3am. I think it's perfect. If the economy is ever good again and I can get a loan I will do it.

Random Fact #3- I love beauty products. I can spend hours in Sephora. I especially love samples of beauty products. I love it when I buy a new product and try it for the first time. It's like Christmas morning to me. I know, it's weird.

Random Fact #4- I love Dr. Laura. If you haven't heard of her, look it up. Lots of people think she is harsh and mean for the sake of entertainment. I think her straight forward and pragmatic take on life is what is missing in the world.

Random Fact #5- I have a small fridge in my room where I keep my diet coke, and a basket where I keep my hundred calorie packs so no one will touch them.

Random Fact #6- I have some weird food issues. I hate mushy things...canned fruit and veggies, the fruit at the bottom of yogurt, bread that gets soggy on a sandwich , overcooked pasta. I also have a weird thing about temperature. I won't eat cold pizza or cold Chinese leftovers. Never have been sure how that is appetizing. I also thing that tuna fish should never be warm (like a tuna melt), and especially never mixed with thing like mac and cheese (that's for you Michael if you're reading). Fish like salmon should never be cold i.e. lox, or smoked salmon.

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